Monday, March 5, 2012

A curious balancing time


Thanks to

Something new. Only opening my laptop every other day. Going to see what happens. Curious.



Taradharma said...

I think it is a worthy exercise. Looking forward to reading your insights on this practice. My daughter recently announced she would be off facebook for a month or so, just to see what it was like. This inclination to un-plug may be catching.

Anonymous said...

harrison, the letter sent only to be opened so much later. thanks. hard to say which days will be off and which days on, enjoy. kjm

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of only opening the laptop every other day. Sounds like it could be a very productive exercise.

The Solitary Walker said...

To subvert McLuhan: 'Turn off, tune out, and drop in'!? Perhaps.

I find it's good to be disciplined re. online/blogtime. But I'm very bad at it!

Goat said...

I justify my laptop time as "TV where I control the broadcasting" - which is obviously only a part-truth! And I'm always one finger-tap away from breaking free of FB forever. Most of the time it's like a cigarette: a hopeless addiction that delivers no actual joy. Then something will turn up there that makes it worthwhile. But still... Good luck!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lovely experiment that will be rather refreshing! Looking forward to hearing from you, every few days or so. :)

Hayley Rose said...

I have to say - what a gorgeous photograph!

am said...

Thanks to all for your comments! I'm quickly falling behind in my cyberspace conversations by only opening my laptop every other day but at the same time feeling more balance and vitality in both parts of my life.