It was in 1997 that I first heard Jeff Buckley singing (skip the ad) this version of Leonard Cohen's haunting and oddly transcendent song. I've never heard a version that moved me more. When I was a little girl we went to church every Sunday, and on Easter we sang a song that repeated the word hallelujah sixteen times.
"All the intelligence and talent in the world can't make a singer. The voice is a wild thing. It can't be bred in captivity."
-- from The Song of the Lark, by Willa Cather, 20th-century American author.
From my porch, I can hear the birds begin singing when it is still dark on these April mornings.
Here is where I first learned about counting the Omer.
("Baby Bird is a computer trackpad drawing by am from 2005, during the first year that I had a computer, my iBookG4).
it's good to learn about counting the omer -- that was my grandfather's first name.
Happy Spring, Easter, and to renewal!
Happy Easter, am. :)
The pre-sunrise chirping of birds is lovely, as are you!
a little late to this post, but porches and bird song fit the season, and cohen's song makes honey in many mouthes, a good choice. kjm
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