Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oceanic climate / Patience

The photo above was taken from Marine Park on the south side of Bellingham on a cool and cloudy part of the first day of summer, near the Great Blue Heron rookery.


Anonymous said...

Wow, AM, that's an incredible video. I love the transitions (how did you do that?), and the song is beautiful. Excellent!

am said...

That video is wonderful, isn't it?

I didn't make that video (-:

Goat said...

Oh well, it's still a great video! Love the neck arch. Herons and their relatives are common here too, as well as home in Queensland. They never let me get close enough for a decent photo without a zoom, however.

bev said...

Love the photo of the herons out on the flats. They are such elegant but also seemingly primordial birds. They fly up the brook beside my place and fish as a spot where the water splits to flow by a little island and tumbles over a miniature waterfall.