Friday, August 30, 2013

Sacred Work / Quite Early Morning

The goal of singing a song is not to reach the end as quickly as possible.  It is a state of creating harmony, beauty, growth and understanding.  The goal of work, as a sacred art, is to use the need for a product or service to develop the greatest possible power on the object, and the users.  Sacred work puts the mind on service to the heart as well.

(Tom Bender, from Silence, Song and Shadows)

Don't you know it's darkest before the dawn
And it's this thought keeps me moving on
If we could heed these early warnings
The time is now quite early morning
If we could heed these early warnings
The time is now quite early morning

Some say that humankind won't long endure
But what makes them so doggone sure?
I know that you who hear my singing
Could make those freedom bells go ringing
I know that you who hear my singing
Could make those freedom bells go ringing

And so keep on while we live
Until we have no, no more to give
And when these fingers can strum no longer
Hand the old banjo to young ones stronger
And when these fingers can strum no longer
Hand the old banjo to young ones stronger

So though it's darkest before the dawn
These thoughts keep us moving on
Through all this world of joy and sorrow
We still can have singing tomorrows
Through all this world of joy and sorrow
We still can have singing tomorrows

Words and Music by Pete Seeger (1969)
(c) 1969 by Fall River Music Inc.


bev said...

I like the third verse about handing the banjo on to someone strong and younger. Just this morning, I was reading an interview with Bruce Molsky on the Mother Jones website. He was being asked about Appalachian music and the age of thosewho play and listen to it. He spoke about there being a whole new generation who are keenly interested. I'm seeing that too. It is the way of the full circle. Good to see and experience.
Yes, summer has flown by and autumn is coming around again. Another circle.

am said...

Hi bev,

Speaking of circles, as a child did you sing that round with the words, "Music alone shall live, never to die"?

"And when these fingers can strum no longer
Hand the old banjo to young ones stronger"

This morning I took a short walk and was surprised to see so many leaves on the ground although the weather has continued to be warm.

I've been having fun playing my way through the catalogue of Bob Dylan songs on my ukulele, using the chords from this site:

Good to hear from you. Looking forward to whenever you post again. Remembering that tomorrow is September 6th.