Friday, November 24, 2023

Revisiting "Old Girl From The North Country" / Still Willing To Give Peace A Chance

My 17th blog birthday is coming up on December 8, the anniversary of the day that my beloved R returned from a year in Vietnam, serving as a helicopter mechanic in Da Nang.  That was the year 1970.  Something happened to him during that year that he kept inside.  It ate him alive.  Things happened to me after he came home that are still healing.  In 2006, a wise and concerned woman suggested that I do something good for myself on December 8, that I give that day a new meaning.  I had been reading blogs for about a year at that point, including Robin and Roger's blog "Dharma Bums."  

My blog was to be a retrospective of the art work I had created throughout my life, beginning with a drawing I had made in my senior year in high school, a drawing that came to represent R.


Somewhere along the line (2008?) I inadvertently changed my blog address from

to what it is now.


After R died in April 2008, I changed the name of my blog to:



I've changed my blog name several times since them and most recently to:


(with SUNRISE repeated 7 times)  


In the last years of his life, during the war in Afghanistan, R wrote on the envelope of a letter to me, "Give Peace A Chance."


Sabine said...

I am glad I found your blog, always moved by your story.

Barbara Rogers said...

I enjoy reading your blog, seeing your art. So glad you decided to share here. I just found a streaming radio station of "Folk Music" which is in NJ. Who would have thunk it? I listen through Radio Garden here...

Colette said...

It's all so much, living a life. You manage to transcend the pain by focusing on beauty and meaning, without denying the pain. I appreciate that.