Being self-employed as a medical transcription editor has its unforeseen benefits, one of which is that when there is no work coming in, I can work on the current mandala in progress. I just finished this one and will be starting another as soon as I can.
Good news is that although I am not making enough money to afford massages or homeopathy, there are practitioners who are willing to trade their work for my art work, and for that I am grateful.
This one glows!
Your mandalas are quite beautiful.
Sabine -- Thank you! It's the first one where I have used black, and that seems to have made the colors glow.
robin andrea -- Thanks so much!
How grand that you can trad for services. Massage makes all the difference in my life. For acupuncture I used to go to a school where students would treat for very low cost. Teachers were always around and were consulted. Best deal in town.
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