Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mandala #23: All the Daughters and Sons of Earth and Sky

All the Daughters and Sons of Earth and Sky
We are your daughters and sons
who wish to be of service
who walk together 
who listen for your words
and meet fear daily
and go forth inch by inch
with broken hearts
with deep weariness
moved with love and hope in this place of earth and sky
in which wholeness and brokenness dwell
together through life without end.

Not sure when I wrote those words, but tonight I finished "Mandala #23: All the Daughters and Sons of Earth and Sky"


Colette said...

Thanks for that. I needed it.

Sabine said...

This is good. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, truly beautiful every way. Thank you.

am said...

Colette, Sabine, and robin andrea: You're welcome!