Thursday, April 26, 2018

Synchronicity / Just finished reading Carl Jung's definition of synchronicity / Brilliant Minds / "qua-quer' go"

After reading Elizabeth's post and appreciating her brilliant mind, I checked my email, and was presented with a photo of a woman with a star on her forehead.  The star seemed to be very much like the cannabis bindi on Elizabeth's forehead.  The photo was presented in connection with a local screening of a movie about Hedy Lamarr.

Which led me to the source of the poem quoted by Hedy Lamarr at the end of the PBS special that I watched after watching the movie trailer in the email.

Although I was planning to be silent for awhile beginning today (photos only) and only post this photo of Oboe in the morning sun during my morning yoga practice yesterday,

synchronicity guides me away from silence today to thank Elizabeth for her fierce and graceful writing and her powerful sense of humor.

Here's my newest mandala, #30: "qua-quer' go":

("qua-quer' go" is one of the vocalizations of a California Quail)


37paddington said...

Synchronicity indeed. I too was planning to be silent for a while, but I have been reading Audre Lorde's "Your Silence Will Not Protect You," and decided silence is overrated. As women, we sometimes get embarrassed when we reveal ourselves too fully, reveal our hearts too completely, but what else can we do? We have to dare. Thank you for this post.

am said...

Rosemarie -- Every time I plan to be silent for awhile at my blog, I find that it is impossible. My thought this time was not total silence but just a period of time when I would only post photos or art work or link to things that spoke to me and that I wanted to share with our blogging community.

I did silence myself permanently on Facebook, though, and have no regrets about that.

Thank you for your encouragement to continue to use my voice here and elsewhere in these times. I am grateful for your voice.

Tara said...

the best laid plans of mice and wo/men....

I love your new mandala. And Elizabeth's writing a wondrous sense of humor. She lights a fire under me on a regular basis. As do you. Write on. (Pun intended)

Anonymous said...

I just read this article and it made me think of you. I thought I had your email address, but I couldn't find it, so I'm going to put the link here:
"Knock knock knockin' on Heaven's Door

am said...

robin andrea -- Was just reading about that and thinking about posting a haunting song Bob Dylan wrote that mentions bootlegged whiskey in the context of horror and despair. Blind Willie McTell, who is mentioned over and over again in that song, suffered from alcoholism.

bev said...

Love your quail mandala -- a pure sort of beauty.

Synchronicity. Yes.