Friday, October 16, 2020

Early morning beauty

Before the storm arrived later this morning, there were Crepuscular rays and cloud shadows just before sunrise.  Listen for red-winged blackbirds.  Watch for flocks of birds just before the earth turns toward the sun.  May need full screen to see them.

Sending love near and far.


37paddington said...

This earth school is a beautiful place. Love to you too.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. What a stunning sky. Thank you for posting this, am.

ellen abbott said...

I rarely am up early enough to see the sun rise.

Colette said...


Sabine said...

Thank you, so beautiful.

Sackerson said...

Saw the flock of birds!Like the John Cagean sound-track too. It's great fun going out with a camera to see what you can see and hear what you can hear.