Friday, December 4, 2020

Mandala #54


72 years ago my parents were married on December 4.  This photo was taken by me in 1978 when they were in their 60s and I was in my late 20s, during one of my visits to California.  My middle sister emailed this photo yesterday.  It brings back good memories of them.  



Anonymous said...

Beautiful mandala and very touching photo of your parents on their anniversary.

ellen abbott said...

another lovely mandala. I'm amazed how fast you are.

Sabine said...

That's a very nice picture of your parents.

Colette said...

Beautiful photos, both of them.

37paddington said...

I love seeing that photo of your parents. They seem very energetically connected. And the mandala is lovely.

My life so far said...

I've been going through my mother's old papers and finding letters that my father wrote to her during the war. He was smitten with my mother and puts their relationship in a different light for me.

Your parents look happy.

beth coyote said...
