Friday, April 16, 2021

Listening to birds and frogs

This morning as I was out for a walk in the woods and listening to all the different birds, I began wondering about the differences between crows and ravens.  There is one part of my walk where I pass a pond where frogs live.  I rarely see frogs but do hear them in the spring and summer.


Anonymous said...

That was wonderful to watch. Quite informative. Thank you for posting this, am.

ellen abbott said...

interesting. I always wondered how they were different. we have crows here.

Sabine said...

Thanks, that was a good video. We have raven and jackdaw in the garden. The crows come occasionally but they don't like the many cats that live in the neighbourhood. They are not afraid but find them annoying, I think, picking up fights.

My life so far said...

A raven is a crow on steroids. I love them both. Big, intelligent birds that live in large families and can actually pass information onto the next generation. They have good memories too.