Friday, July 23, 2021

O my goodness. With gratitude to Robin

"... Beyond all reason is the mystery of love: you know we are all equal, no one in truth needs any help from anyone else, no one needs to be told anything or given anything—and then you do the most compassionate act anyway, do the best for your brothers and sisters that you have in you.

I'm relaying what was given to me when I felt I needed it: if I felt that way, maybe someone else does, too. This is a letter to my brothers and sisters, a love note to try to show how, when we thought love wasn't working, it was working perfectly ..."

(Thaddeus Golas)


Anonymous said...

I love the view there. It's so beautiful and makes me miss living in the Pacific Northwest. I love the quote too. Thank you for that, am.

37paddington said...


Sabine said...

Thank you.