Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Inspired to keep drawing with my non-dominant hand

"The Joy of Music"

"In essence, my birthday is every day."




On October 1, I will be 73 years old.  I don't let many people know when my birthday is.  For years, I would be traveling alone somewhere in Northern California on my birthday.  I like quiet birthdays in beautiful places.  In recent years, my home is my beautiful place to be on my birthday.  I like being in my 70s.  I am grateful to be alive.  


NewRobin13 said...

I love knowing when your birthday is, am. I will shout out a happy birthday to you here on the Northern California coast. I'm sure you will hear it in your heart.

Pixie said...

Happy early birthday Amanda! And thank you for sharing that beautiful music.

Tara said...

oh my! I love those two music videos. I sang along with "I will not be controlled." Powerful. And, Angel, what a great voice. That song was always a part of my playlist when I did concerts. For awhile I had a great singing partner that did dynamite harmonies on that one.

I'm glad to hear you enjoy being in your seventies. At 65, I hope to get there and to enjoy it as well. I hope to enjoy life for as long as I can live it.

Colette said...

Happiest of birthdays! My birthday is in October also. Late enough to make me a Scorpio.

Sabine said...

Happy Birthday! I am also reluctant to celebrate on the day with all the ritual etc. But there is always life with all its wonders, individual and communal ones, to rejoice in. Especially in this time. Enjoy and I hope that life continues to give you many opportunities to feel amazed and happy.

am said...

Thank you, blog friends, for the birthday wishes!

37paddington said...

Happy birthday dear friend! What a joy it is to be at peace in one's own home. There is wisdom in that, too.

am said...

Thank you, 37paddington!