Sunday, November 2, 2008


The Infinite Goodness has such wide arms that it takes whatever turns to it.
(Dante Alighieri)

Have been studying 7 hours a day, Tuesdays through Saturdays, in hopes of being employed again in 2009. For now, there's not much time at all to post on my blog or visit other blogs. Thanks to all who have visited and continue to visit. I miss having the time to travel to my favorite blogs on a daily basis. At best, I can post and travel on Sundays and Mondays and will try for that.

(click on photo to see Oboe's whiskers and toes)


Zhoen said...

Just come back when you have time again. Thanks for the whiskers and toes.

robin andrea said...

Glad to see Oboe among the flowers. Good luck with your studies. I hope it all goes well.

Lori Witzel said...

You go!!! Keep on studying, and I will too.