Friday, October 23, 2009

42 years: a book of changes

About a month ago, I had a limited edition of 25 copies of my book of art and poetry printed up. A few days ago, Bellingham's independent bookstore, Village Books, took three of my books on consignment, with a retail price of $14.95 per copy. I will not be making a profit on this limited edition but do want to make it available for those who are interested. For those readers who would like to purchase a copy and who live in the United States or Canada, try calling Village Books at 1-800-392-BOOK and asking for:

42 years: a book of changes
(by Amanda Wald Rachie)

For those who don't live in the United States or Canada, email me if you'd like to buy a copy.


robin andrea said...

It looks like a very beautiful book, am.

Dawn said...

congratulations Amanda on your book!

gleaner said...

Congratulations, it does look beautiful.

am said...

Thanks so much robin andrea, Dawn and gleaner!

bev said...

I'm just catching up on some reading while I have a decent net connection. Congratulations on your book, am. I'd like to buy a copy, but am on the road for awhile yet, so difficult to order or have anything delivered. However, I hope you'll still have a copy available when I get to the Arizona place in December. I'll email you about it then. Take care.

am said...

Thanks so much, bev!

am said...

Thanks so much, bev!