Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Before dawn / Oboe at the door to the porch


Anonymous said...

great photo, love the angles of light, shades of gray. the ss people here had a man who intervenes at the three question computer, so generous. here we were required to set up the appt. before we came in. so i had an appt. scheduled,met with a real person with a sense of humor, eye contact, and no point of sales come ons. kjm

am said...

Thank you, kjm! I'm especially fond of that photo for the reasons you mentioned.

It could have been the Halloween and Occupy Wall Street effect on the Bellingham office, including the apprehension that I brought to the situation, that made everything seem so odd. My perception was that the atmosphere in the Bellingham office was like that of airport security, and that a sense of humor on my part might be suspect, even though the young man behind the glass was kind and friendly.

Interesting to find that the Social Security offices are somewhat autonomous and have slightly different protocol as well as the same computer screen with the same three questions (-:

Taradharma said...

There is so much longing in Oboe's face! Great name for a cat, btw. I had one once called "Banjo." :-)

am said...

Banjo is a wonderful name for a cat!

Oboe often stands there and looks out with longing, and then when she is outside for awhile, she longs to come back in (-: