Thursday, July 9, 2015

Odd duck with her ducklings, revisited

Haven't been doing much walking in the past month. The first time I saw this mother duck with her ducklings was on May 23. Was delighted to see her and her ducklings again yesterday at the Derby Pond in Whatcom Falls Park.


Nick said...

I wonder if she thinks that you're odd, strange being without wings that you are.

am said...

Yes. No wings. Peering at her and her ducklings through a camera. She looks at me with seeming curiosity and appears to decide that I am not a wolf as she looks away from her ducklings. I am hearing "The Duck" from "Peter and the Wolf."

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the ducks there. They seem pretty calm around humans. Makes me wonder if people feed them around that bench.

am said...

robin andrea -- Yes. They have plenty to eat!