Thursday, January 17, 2019

Celebrating Mary Oliver (1935-2019)

"In the beginning I was so young and such a stranger to myself I hardly existed. I had to go out into the world and see it and hear it and react to it, before I knew at all who I was, what I was, what I wanted to be.” 

(Mary Oliver)


Anonymous said...

Oh thank you so much for this. Her words touched us all in so many ways, but always in our hearts.

Tara said...

yes, thank you for this. so many of her poems that have been posted the last couple of days bring painful recognition. I'm tearing up. A lot.

37paddington said...

This: "In the beginning I was so young and such a stranger to myself I hardly existed."
Oooo, I love that. Thank you.

beth coyote said...


My life so far said...

She made me love poems.