Wednesday, February 26, 2020

One Thing Leads To Another

Déjà vu

Michael McClure, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Julius Orlovsky, Lawrence Ferlinghetti


ellen abbott said...

love your new header pic.

Anonymous said...

Love all these photos and the music. All beautiful.

Tara said...

fantastic video -- I've not heard of them, but I'll seek them out now!

Girl from the North from your North Country (love that moon shot)...and Bob et al. Yes, one thing definitely leads to another. I love the free flow of ideas and experiences like this. One of the reasons I like retirement so much...many days unfold organically and there are connections and surprises everywhere.

37paddington said...

Hey, friend. Just tipping in to share some love. Thanks for the music.

Andrea Charles said...

The band did an impressive performance, though I am hearing them for the first time. As you said, the thought indeed flows from one to another. The photograph of Bob Dylan is a rare one, I guess. The country skies were fantastic. The different moods captured splendidly. The picture at the top is merely outstanding. Great going and keep blogging!!

VasanthMusicCoimbatore said...

The photo of your room makes it evident that you read a lot of books. All the paintings looks amazing. Thanks for posting great photos. There is a great photo collection displayed at the Music institute in Coimbatore.