Wednesday, May 12, 2021

As Bob Dylan's 80th Birthday Approaches / Deep in love


"... I'm so deep in love that I can hardly see ..."

(lyrics from "Key West (Philosopher Pirate)" -- Bob Dylan, 2020)


Anonymous said...

Love seeing the skies there. So beautiful. I am curious about that second photo. It looks rainbow-ish, but not exactly. It looks like it could be a halo. Do you remember where the sun was when you photographed that? I love it!

am said...

Robin -- I'm delighted that you love the second photo. The sun was above. My upstairs neighbor's porch blocked the sun and made it possible for me to notice what seemed to be faint colors in the thin cloud. I've been looking for atmospheric optics and wasn't absolutely sure that I was seeing colors until I enhanced the image using my MacBook Pro "Photos" tools.

Anonymous said...

am-- I think it could be a circumhorizontal arc because it was below the sun. If you google that, you'll see lots and lots of very beautiful but highly saturated photos of similar sights. I'm so glad you photographed that! Keep looking up, my friend!

Sabine said...

The third photo with the hill side horizon looked so much like a painting of yours, I had to check twice.