Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Rerun: December 14, 2006 / Listening to an interview with Bobby McFerrin (nothing to say but it's okay)

December 14, 2006


Bobby McFerrin



NewRobin13 said...

I love seeing your drawings, am. So beautiful in every way.

am said...

Thank you, Robin. Revisiting the art work from my past is always an enlightening experience for me. Drawings and paintings (and photographs!) speak without words. This process feels similar to that of the days when I began blogging in 2006. So much has happened in 16 years. I'm not the same person I was in 2006 or 1966, for that matter, when I decided that I was going to do what it took to be an artist and signed up for high school art classes. I'm amazed this morning that I have stayed more or less true to my 16-year-old self who met R (my muse) soon after that. I'm grateful for your presence, Robin, witnessing my life for the past 16 years and sharing yours.

NewRobin13 said...

It's true, am, we are not the same person we were once long ago. And yet that person lives on in us, our memories, our dreams. I have been keeping a handwritten diary since 1991. I started to reread it the other day from the beginning, and wow, was I surprised by how my writing has changed.
am, it is an ongoing pleasure to be virtual friends with you.