Thursday, February 15, 2024

All the hearts

Thank you to Beth for bring this to my attention on Tumblr.


Colette said...

Big hug.

am said...

O my goodness. Thank you, Colette.

Anonymous said...

37paddington: a beautiful sentiment. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love this poem. Have you heard Michael Hedges sing this... Here's a link. (NewRobin13)

am said...

37paddington and Robin -- Glad to know that poem spoke to both of you, too.

Robin -- Thank you for the link. I had not heard that before. The name Michael Hedges sounded familiar because I bought numerous albums from Windham Hill Records in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Curious about him, I googled around and discovered that the genealogy website Geni shows that I am distantly connected to him by marriage through my great grandmother's half-sister!