A thoughtful friend gave me this book as a gift. I recommend it.

(1-2 hour drawing time, 5:55 to 6:25 a.m. -- 6B pencil on heavy weight, medium tooth surface, 9 x 12 Canson drawing pad, while not listening to anything except what is right in front of me.
Today's "Paused" images are from an excellent PBS documentary from 2002 titled "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet." Interestingly, it was before September 11, 2001, that this film was in the process of being made.
As I wrote yesterday, I seek out stories from all traditions. Particularly moving, from this documentary, is the story of Kevin James, the son of an African-American/Native American father and a Jewish mother. As an adult, Kevin James became a Muslim as well as a firefighter for the New York City Fire Department. On September 11, 2001, he found himself among the first responders.)
It is my tradition on the first day of Kwanzaa, December 26, to watch the video, "Harambee!". Here's a synopsis.
Which reminds me of what whiskey river quoted on December 23:
""The family is one of nature's masterpieces."
- George Santayana
This morning at 7 a.m. I stood out on my porch in the dark and took this picture.

You're so cool - and have such an wonderful way with regard to people. I wish I could meet you for coffee and conversation!
The sky is still dark there at 7:00 am. I am surprised to see that, I seem to have forgotten already winter in the northern latitudes. Here the sky was already light and tinged with pink at 6:45 when the sun was approaching the horizon.
dream -- I am a shy one. This is the way I usually meet for coffee and conversation. : - ) Thanks so much for stopping by!
robin andrea -- Another difference I remember about the south country is that the sun goes nearly "straight down" instead of going down at a long slow angle the way it does in the north country. Some years ago, I went with some friends to a beach somewhere north of Santa Cruz. We had to walk quite a distance from Highway 1 to the ocean. We watched the sunset and then headed back to the highway. By the time we got to the highway it was surprisingly dark. No full moon that night and a short twilight.
I'd love to be in the south country today, even if it's a grey day. Up here we are looking at the possibility of snow. It is still, cold and grey right now.
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