Been making my way through the complete collection of "Kung Fu" episodes on DVD. Pretty much stopped watching television around 1967. I remember a friend telling me I should at least watch "Kung Fu." That was probably in the spring of 1974. I didn't. I needed to wait until now.
From "The Chalice," first broadcast on 10/11/1973:
"That we are possessed by that which we would possess. Held in bondage to earth and vested things by the attachments we form for them. Even so holy a thing as a chalice, so slight a thing as a pebble."
In that episode, Caine promised a dying priest that he would find and return the chalice the priest had made with his own hands and then stolen, only to have it stolen from him by outlaws. Caine said to the priest that whatever an artist makes belongs to the artist always. Then Caine proceeded to search for the chalice so that it could be returned.
If it were not for my 16-year-old nephew, who mentioned Kung Fu on his MySpace page some time ago, and for R's sister gift of the DVDs, I might never have watched these "Kung Fu" episodes. Funny how things work out the way they do.
"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant" -- Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

(Early morning ocean photo from the Point Reyes, California, webcam)
oh wow. Both of those shots are so beautiful.
Don't know the first thing about the Kung Fu series. Must check it out.
Best, am.
There is an unfolding... which we cannot comprehend...but acceptance of, I think, can help bring us peace...
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