"I also think it is possible to achieve success without having to start out with despair. Even though one loses out here and there, and even though one sometimes feels a falling off, one must rally and take courage again, even though things should turn out differently from what one originally intended."
(p. 205, from THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH, translated by Arnold Pomerans. This is from a letter of October 1882, written to his brother, Theo.)
That's another photo from the San Gregorio webcam. I thrive in cool, not cold, overcast weather where there is relatively low humidity. My inner landscape is a good place, a creative place.
There's too much glare here for a good photo this morning. But listen to a bit of what what I can hear outside.
Many thanks to those who keep stopping by my blog even though I've been quiet lately. My creative energy for drawing and painting is at a low ebb. My book of art and poetry is almost ready for self-publishing. The prototype is a 98-page book, 6 x 8 inches, made on a Mac, perfect bound at Apple, Inc, in Elk Grove, California, and then FedEx'd to my home. Amazing! My plan at this time is to have a local printer make 1000 copies. The local independent bookstore will take my book on consignment, so it may be possible to order it eventually from their web site. I'm trying to make this as simple as possible for me and everyone involved.

Looks like a beautiful book, am.
what loren said. kjm
Oh, it looks gorgeous!
I love that quote. In a way, it's a question of choosing what to consider the baseline.
Love those webcam views and the birdsong. In Québec, the screech of the red-winged blackbird and the honking of the geese meant spring had finally arrived.
I'll be checking out that link to Village Books (you have to know I'll be getting a copy of yours, yes? It looks gorgeous.)
Have a great day in your inner landscape.
Your book looks beautiful, am.
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