Tuesday, June 2, 2009



Dale said...

Oh, that's beautiful!

am said...

Muchas gracias, Dale!

Anonymous said...

love the blue,those shadow lines,the horizontal siding, ah but the blue heart of this piece really works for me. a gift. thanks, kjm

am said...

A gift. That's what it felt like when I went out on my porch this morning and saw the first bloom of the season. And I can see the blue heart now, too. Muchas gracias, kjm!

R.L. Bourges said...

such a gorgeous shade of blue. Love the cross hatching of the lines in the background, too.

am said...

R.L. -- That is a gorgeous color, isn't it? And Mona Om-Mama is sublime!

mum said...

Ah, my dear friend, it is so good to hear you are enjoying the benefits of Mona Om-mama's introductory remarks to that Most Sacred Indian Value of Motherhood. I am not surprised in the slightest that you should be spiritually atttuned to these realities, am. Not surprised at all.

I thank you for your kindness, and constant graciousness. Word verification suggest I offer you a grapooto in exchange for these fine qualities but it appears to me an inadequate expression of my friendship. Still, am, I offer your this grapooto with great pleasure.

Good evening but also, of course, the best to you each morning.

Yours in utmost sincerity,

Mona Om-mama