Thank you, robin andrea and tara, for inspiring this post with your comments on my previous post.
For me, there is no discipline and no joining involved with yoga because I choose the poses I do, and I do them at home. I'm a thoroughly undisciplined person who is not a joiner, and I don't do well with authority figures -- even yoga teachers that I am grateful for.
After the initial period of taking yoga classes, it has suited me best to practice alone at home in the way I want to practice yoga. That's what has worked for me for nearly 30 years. Rebellion dogs my every step.
Doing a series of yoga poses just feels good to me. I can experience what it feels like to be a mountain and a tree and an eagle and a frog. I can experience what liking myself feels like. I can experience what being relaxed feels like. And then there is the corpse pose, the oddest pose of all. When I rest in that pose, I experience how alive I am.
As I experience it, the process of doing yoga poses is like preparing and eating a good meal or a taking a good long walk or taking photographs or reading a book or taking a hot bath or working on a post for my blog.
My perception is that the Buddha chose a single yoga pose, the lotus pose, and stuck with that one for his practice of of meditation. He didn't do it as a discipline. He did it because his experience was that it worked for him. I don't have to do my chosen poses if I don't feel like doing them, but I miss them if I don't do them for awhile.
Here are some of my previous posts on yoga.
It is occurring to me that although I am not disciplined when it comes to yoga, I am enthusiastic.
I am very drawn to yoga. In fact my mind and body rejoice at the thought of it. Perhaps I shall chart a new path. Thank you for your inspiration.
robin andrea -- With the sky and the ocean and the trees and the mountains and the living creatures as your truest teachers, may you find the joy I have found in the practice of undisciplined yoga!
I've been feeling drawn to yoga, too. It keeps cropping up! I've practised meditation on and off for a long time. As Robin Andrea put it so well, "my mind and body rejoice at the thought of it."
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