Tuesday, November 16, 2021


There were a number of things I needed to go out and do during the heavy wind and rain yesterday. Astonishingly, none of my errands were in these parts of Bellingham, although I was within a few blocks of these severely flooded areas without realizing it.


ellen abbott said...

My sympathies to those affected. Been there.

Joared said...

The flooding is terrible. Would that we could have some of that rain here in SoCal.

Pixie said...

It's awful in BC too. Mudslides, washed our highways, whole towns evacuated, scary times. I'm glad you're safe.

37paddington said...

Wow, so much water. Glad you're safe. Re your comment on my recent post, yes, conflict is not fatal in a relationship. Indeed, my Aunt Grace used to say "Where there are no differences, there is indifference." I dont know if that's always true, but it does make me less worried about differences.