Saturday, November 13, 2021

Mandala #65 (black and white version) / November light

Working on a photo showing this mandala in true colors.  No such luck so far.  For now, here is how it looks in black and white.  Three more mandalas and then I will have met my goal of 12 for the year.


November light


Anonymous said...

We are definitely in the gray time of the year, November light.
I didn't know you had a goal for the number of mandalas. I'm glad you are reaching it. Looking forward to seeing the colors on this one.

ellen abbott said...

looks very gray. I read another blogger from Bellingham and she posted pictures of the gray day as well. I could never live up there. As I told her, I have to have sun even if it's scorching.

Joared said...

Many successive long gray days can be very wearing over time.