Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The last comes first / All is not lost

For now, the snow that began falling on Christmas Eve has melted.  But there will be more snow to come.  The sunrises have been beautiful.  My flowering maple is blooming.  Stopped using caffeine a few months ago and realized that all my mandalas have been fueled by caffeine except the last one with the horses and birds.  With caffeine, I can focus on tiny details for extended periods of time.   I was feeling discouraged because I can no longer tolerate caffeine and was wondering if I would be able to draw very much at all without the use of caffeine. Feeling blocked,  I sat down at my drawing table and felt sadness.  Then something prompted me to pick up a 6B pencil with my non-dominant left hand and to draw my right hand.  I went on to draw a few of the things that are on my drawing table.  Amazing!  All is not lost.  The views from my yoga mat have been splendid, including that of a moonrise.  There is winter bird song.  Although I have no photo, twice I've seen a flock of trumpeter swans when I glanced up and looked out the window.  The last two photos were taken early in the morning after the first heavy snowfall.


Colette said...

I'm impressed how well you can draw with your non-dominant hand. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I love that you started to draw with your left hand. That is so interesting. My left hand hardly does anything, but type on this keyboard. Your views there are so beautiful. Thank you for photographing the beauty there.

ellen abbott said...

What a wonderful wall of windows! All is not lost.

37paddington said...

She is indeed good at drawing! The energy to focus on tiny details will return in time. In the meantime there is something so exuberant about your freehand drawing, so unconstrained.I see, though, that like me you are symmetrist (is that a word?), as I would have had my shades pulled down to exactly the same level across, as you do. I love this new year reflection.

Sabine said...

This is all wonderful! I could at one time use both hands but no longer.

A couple of years I reduced my coffee intake to one cup (with lots of milk) at midday mainly to reduce my dairy intake as I cannot drink coffee black, hurts my stomach.
The man has become a coffee expert, ordering and grinding (two different coffee grinders at this stage) and compering various coffee blends from all over the world in elaborate tasting sessions.
When I was in hospital with afib, the cardiologists assured me that coffee is actually good for us and we can drink as much as we like.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the beauty that is you and surrounds you.

Pixie said...

I am deeply impressed that you can draw so well with your non dominant hand, as I cannot draw with either hand:)

Lovely photos, especially the morning light.