Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Today I took a 3-hour walk with a friend at The Stimpson Family Nature Reserve. The highlight for me was seeing a very large Pacific Tree Frog jump to the side of the trail and later being able to hold a smaller Pacific Tree Frog who was also at the side of the trail. Although I frequently hear Pacific Tree Frogs, I have rarely seen them in Northwest Washington. We also saw a solitary deer who let us walk very close, a pair of Kingfishers, a Great Blue Heron, a Downy Woodpecker, and what I think may have been Wrentits. As we were walking back toward the trailhead, a somewhat distressed-looking young man jogged by us on his way out of the reserve. As he passed us up, he said that an owl had swooped down and "massaged his scalp" as he ran through the woods.

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