Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caribou (2002)

This illustration I did of what is supposed to be an old caribou is not at all right anatomically, but it makes an interesting picture, and I was pleased with it. Still am. I believe I started this book illustration project in the spring of 2002. My progress was very very slow, but it was good to be painting at all and thinking about what I was going to paint next. I developed a tremendous respect for book illustrators.

1 comment:

Lori Witzel said...

A very random question, and you may feel free to respond offline (home email is lwitzel {at} austin {dot} rr {dot} com...)

I love the retrospective, but am wondering...what are you creating now?

Tired out, so wandering off -- thanks ever so much for the comments and implicit support during my "running on fumes" period of time.