Today, curious as to the exact dates that I had done these illustrations, I looked on the backs of them and was surprised to find that they were done in spring of 2002.
In 2001, I hadn't painted at all.
It seemed a good idea to post all the illustrations today in the order they were painted, now that I know for sure what that order is. Tomorrow, I'll be posting the first of that series of images that I created in 2002, of which these illustrations were a small part. After doing these five illustrations, I was unable to come up with any more and eventually bowed out of the illustrating project, although I completed 15 more paintings in 2002.
Am, I am really happy to find your site and am thoroughly sweet on your paintings. The ocean paintings especially.
I too moved away from the west coast a long long time ago and I spend a lot time trying to get back to it in my writing. Three thousands plus miles is a long way to "get" though. I wonder where you lived? I lived in El Granada by Half Moon Bay.
It has been a while since I stopped by here, am. I especially appreciate your raven art. Very powerful. I also liked the story you told of your journey to British Columbia. It sounds like a very beautiful and wild place.
keith -- Thanks for visiting my site and for your appreciation of my paintings. I spent much of my free time on the San Mateo County coast between winter of 1966 and summer of 1973, at which time I left California, never dreaming that I would not be back soon. Many of my paintings from memory are of Montara Beach. I would have loved to have lived in El Granada. The closest I lived to the ocean was Redwood City.
robin andrea -- Good to know you stopped by again. Since making a commitment to painting on a daily basis, I've not been leaving many comments on blogs, but have been visiting Dharma Bums regularly to see what you and Roger have posted.
Am, wow. I myself left in 1970. Truly a paradise for me, though I am still haunted by Devil's Slide, that imfamous stretch up highway up the coast. Have you heard of it?
Yes, your paintings spoil me. The sunrise is wonderul, too. You are the second watercolor painter I have had the fortune to find online. Here is another: http://robinchapmanspoemaday.blogspot.com/
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