Saturday, July 25, 2009


The art farmer's Bengal Cat, Chai, is in critical condition. Panda (Guinea Pig) and all who love Chai ask for your kind thoughts and for prayers from those who pray.

Loving portraits by the art farmer.


robin andrea said...

Sending good thoughts and best wishes to Chai.

R.L.Bourges said...

hang in there, chai (the word means life in hebrew, and word verif says elogrim which is close enough to elohim, no?)

art farmer said...

Chai,Panda,and the art farmer are grateful for your tender thoughts and prayers. L'Chaim! Last night's sudden lightning and thunde brought us wave after wave of purifying sweet-smelling rain, considered a blessing in India.
Shalom and Namaste from the art farm.

Anonymous said...

It has been a good for fireflies here. Corn is tall & green. Tomatoes, eggplant hang heavy on the vine. Occasional thunderstorms. The purple coneflowers are stunning. Good thoughts are sent your way.

in Iowa