Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reconciliation Dream

I have added some images to my Flickr mosaic at the top of my blog. This is the image from the back cover of my book.

It's been quite a day, trying unsuccessfully to order 25 copies of the most recent version of my book, 42 years: a book of changes, through iPhoto.

The best part of the day was when two Canada Geese flew in and landed at the southeast end of Scudder Pond, and I was able to laugh out loud at how absurdly difficult it was to make a simple order through iPhoto.

I thought that was the best part of the day until I got phone call from an old friend. We talked for a long time, catching up, laughing, sharing experiences, strength and hope.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

always great to see your art. thanks, kjm