Saturday, August 18, 2018

Oboe sleeping in the sun

If you listen very closely, you will hearing Oboe snoring softly as the birds are singing.  Oboe's birthday is in August.  She is 13 years old this year.  Sometimes when she snores, I think it is my cell phone vibrating.


ellen abbott said...

my cat Emma is a noisy sleeper though she sort of wheezes.

37paddington said...

sweetness. animal companions bolster our mental and emotional health, i think.

Elizabeth said...


Sabine said...

Our cat owner days are over for the time being but I wake up several times every night when our neighbour's ancient ginger tom calls to be let indoors. Once inside, so my neighbour tells me, he sneaks out through the cat flap only to return to the front door where he calls - at the top of his voice - again. This goes on for most of our nights at the moment.
I think everybody harbours their own thoughts about this animal in this neighbourhood. Especially at night.