Thursday, October 4, 2018

Women Trying To Remember What They Are Trying To Forget

When I read about the cover of the latest issue of Time Magazine just now, I made a point of looking for an image of it.  I find John Mavroudis' portrait of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to be deeply moving.  An untitled painting of mine from 1993 came to mind as I was looking at the Time Magazine cover and reading the words from her testimony.  I traded that painting for several sessions of ongoing trauma counseling that I availed myself of from 1997 or 1998 to 2003 for help working through trauma dating from 1970 and back to my childhood.  I am still getting counseling.  I have come a long way and refuse to go backward in any way, no matter what happens.  I know that I am not alone.  I didn't always know that.

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