Thursday, December 17, 2009

Talking About A Season In The North Country / 1982 -- 32 years old

We dance away,
we dance.

(page 45, "For Nijinsky")

This morning I got together with three women so we could spend time working on our separate creative projects for a couple of hours. We met at the home of the woman whose idea it was to meet for that purpose. She lives with her husband in a small house on a farm not far from Bellingham. There is a main house and then several small houses that are rented out.

As we were winding down our time together, I noticed that I had made the same mistake I had made with my inkle loom and yarns in February of 2008! To the untrained eye, everything looks fine and dandy,

but it's the weaving equivalent of building a house without any doors. I'm going to have to unwind the yarn and re-warp the loom so it looks like this, and I can actually begin to weave!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

neat - just discovered a whole trove of Nijinsky tapes, thanks to you. Merci (hope your weaving now has a ...door?)