Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Presence and Absence and Always Something Else

September 11, 2018


ellen abbott said...

love the mandala

37paddington said...

love the asymmetry of the mandala. so apt.

Tara said...

the sky. the towers rose up into it. the airplanes flew through it. the ashes of thousands of bodies scattered into it.

what a day.

the photo perfectly captures it.

Sabine said...

As always, so much discover in your work.

bev said...

I love the mandala as well. The other day when I wrote to you, I said I had not seen Orion lately as he was in the eastern sky which is obscured by tall trees. However, the very next morning, I was out with the dogs at around 3 a.m., and there was Orion in the gap between the tree canopy in my front garden. I thought it nice that he suddenly appeared after you had mentioned him. Just thought you would enjoy knowing that.